What I have learned as a new mom

So this is my first Blog of 2018 so I’ll keep it short, sweet and simple.  I’ve been slacking but i’ll do better from here on out. Just thought I start this year’s first blog out with this new baby journey and share a few things I’ve learned and still learning as a new mom. With Sophia now being 6months, I finally learned how to put my foot down. With being a new mom comes people who want to tell you how to raise your child. Yes, I’m open minded and always willing to listen, but I’ve finally learned that despite being new to this motherhood life, I can figure out what I want to do as a mom and if there is any advice I’d like to take, then I’ll decide that. From being pregnant up until now, I’ve heard it all. Don’t do this, do that, this isn’t good for her, don’t feed her this, she’s too little, she’s too big, you need to do this, etc. Being the person I am, I had to shut all this down before I went crazy. Thankfully, I’ve had a few supportive friends and family and of course my mom who reminded me that it is absolutely OK to do what I want with my baby. With that being said, I have accepted that I won’t always do things perfectly, heck i’ve already messed up but I’m learning every day. The biggest thing I’ve learned is that Motherhood/parenthood doesn’t come with a Manual. it’s up to you as a parent to do what you feel is best for your child. it’s ok to say NO, it’s ok to tell people you don’t really want unsolicited advice. The first few months of being a new mom were so hard for me just because I was too afraid to tell people to just let me grow and learn. Too many take and took it the wrong way but I chose/choose to not let that be my problem. Because Self Care is so important to me, I’ve learned that part of taking care of you and your baby can and will sometimes mean, having to just be up front and honest. As a new mom, I’m always gonna be learning just like we all had to as new moms.

Whether you’re a new mom/parent, mom of one, two or more kids, Put you and your kid/s first. Take care of yourself and don’t let other people’s unsolicited advice dictate how you raise your child. Our princess Sophia is a Happy, Healthy child and that’s all that  matters right now.  And we can always learn from others, we just don’t have to accept everyone’s opinions/suggestions.

Written with love from an Unapologetic Mama.